In Mr. Phelp's fifth grade class we have been studying ancient Egypt. Dessert are natural barriers against invaders. One of the pharaohs in Egypt is Senusret and he ruled from 1971 to 1927 BCE. In Egypt there is something called a social pyramid. The social pyramid shows the low class, middle class and high class.
One of the things we have been learning about are the pyramids. Khufu began construction on the great pyramid as soon as he became pharaoh. The slaves used more than 1,000 huge bricks and over a million people built the pyramids. Pyramids are the oldest standing structures in Egypt.
The first female pharaoh was named Hatshepshut. Egyptians believed there was life after death. Shabti were buried with people so they would have servants in the afterlife. Egyptians had to start burying pharaohs in different places so people wouldn't rob their tombs.
Some questions we have about ancient Egypt are:
1. Why did they stop building pyramids?
2. How do you think mummies were made?
3. How old are the pyramids?
4. Why do they wrap people in cloth?
5. How long did it take to build the pyramid?
We hope you will answer our questions!